The person I am watching to rise and rise is none other than the old political animal Winston Peters.
He’s looking refreshed and in his element, especially among his loyal support base, Grey Power.
In Winston’s unique humble way NZ First’s web site “claims” a number of victories...I suspect the royal “we” should be an “I”...
We got the SuperGold card organised for you.
We got rid of the super tax and got super payments raised to 66%.
We got 1000 extra police
We got free Doctor's visits for the under 6's
We saved the racing industry
We secured funding for eldercare
We lowered business tax
We got $17.3M for Maori Wardens
We got the minimum wage raised for young workers
The following comment is also on the site
“There is no doubt Winston Peters has some unfinished business. Watch this space!”
...well Amen to that!