Monday, April 19, 2010

Are the numbers stacking up for the Tories?

The Lib Dem’s could be the spoilers for the Tories. Polling has shown they take more votes from the Conservatives than Labour. Like previous elections in New Zealand, the party (or in the UK case, parties) with the most votes, won’t necessarily win the most seats. Labour could still win the most seats. Remember this is a First Past the Post election.

Another question is, if the Liberal Democrats can hold together. They have come unstuck a little with the Party’s plans to grant an amnesty to illegal immigrants. Not exactly a smart policy. Overstayers don’t vote and those who do vote won’t necessarily agree with the argument put forward by the Lib Dem’s Treasury spokesman that legalizing their status will mean more taxes.

Hey don’t you think David Cameron and Nick Clegg look alike?