Labour has a headache at the moment – are they “damned if they do and damned if they don’t”?
Phil Goff was smart (intentional or not) by saying John Key was slick – of course John Key is and the country knows it. If Phil Goff had said anything else, his comments would have been seen as disingenuous.
For Labour to survive they must work to be firmly in the centre. (Incidentally, the same place where National appears to be.) The results of a survey among Labour supporters might not provide the pragmatic answers Labour needs to survive. The results will be heavily weighted with responses from the left’s feminists and unionists.
The true test of and Andrew Little’s presidency (and Phil Goff’s leadership) will be if they can steer an ever slowing vessel in a centre lane, keep moving and avoid the rocks of the left....they will only be damned if they don’t!
When Trevor Mallard says that Labour is not looking at the Leadership, it confirms that they are.