Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Food for thought

Who was it who almost single handily undid the good news from the 2010 budget with their comments about KiwiBank being on the block for sale?

The question is, were the comments intentional? Only time will tell. But John Key did well to close down the debate with his comments (and implication) that the KiwiBank wouldn’t be sold while he was Leader. The answer is very telling isn’t it!

The Greens - starting to see the light.

Co-leader Russel Norman’s wearing of a tie at the Greens recent conference sends the message that just maybe the Greens realize that they must be more main stream. They need to stick to their knitting to see their percentage of party vote continue to be increased. Smart move, but the perception (and concern) is that Meteria Turei maybe more for radical than her sweet face portrays must be a worry.
The Greens can’t afford to have their “moderate” vote cannibalized (maybe that should be "veggibalized"), especially by National’s Bluegreens. If the can continue to prove they are genuine and are not all from the looney left, they will do well.
So far their improvements appears to be at Labour's expense.

Wellington Central

Grant Robertson has done well as Labour’s MP for Wellington Central. Previous National names, (Hekia Parata and Paul Quinn) mentioned for possibly standing have (maybe) seen the light. I suspect polling will be confirming that it will be difficult for National to win. Standing for Wellington Central would be unlikely to improve their list rankings. Why would either want to but in the hard yakka required to actually win the seat, when they are likely to be guaranteed an easier ride standing in Mana and Hutt South.

Telecom’s Paul Reynolds

Telecom’s new XT ad is nothing short of brilliant. I smile every time I see it. I’ve even started to compare their home packages including TiVo and believe it or not they appear to be a better deal then TelstraClear’s. If Paul Reynolds continues to front up to the problems, he may prove to be worth his weight in gold.


I enjoy blogging. My thoughts do come “over a latte”. You may wonder why I am not blogging everyday or even every minute. The fact is I have a life. I have re real job where I am paid to work. Writing has to be in my free time.

Wellington’s best place for brekkie

Trade Kitchen by a country mile. Plus Trade Kitchen’s Mike must surely be one of the New Zealand’s best baristas.
Did you know that owner Olly  Edwards, is the son of Brian!