Saturday, May 7, 2016

Food for thought...

Bill Clinton photo by William Saturn
People really don’t care if politicians attack each other with untrue stories. They figure if you don’t want to get hurt, you shouldn’t have filed for office. They figure whatever happens to us, our lives will be better than theirs.
BILL CLINTON, speech at Campus Progress National Student Conference, July 13, 2005

Caught in the headlights!

Is Andrew becoming like a a possum caught in the headlights?
There has been more disclosure today relating to the Panama Papers which appears to imply New Zealand's Prime Minister, John Key's is personally connected to something untoward in the Cook Island's.
I suspect Andrew needs to check before opening his mouth. Time will tell if the leaker of the Panama Papers is confused about the Cook's and their connection to Key just because they are also using the New Zealand Dollar, thus because Key is the PM of New Zealand, he must be somehow responsible for their Independent Government. If this scenario is proven to be correct Little is likely to slide further in the polls.

Back to my coffee.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Andrew who?

Food for thought:
The Latte Blogger understands that Labour Party leader Andrew Little's "name awareness" as leader is only about 25% among voters.  If so this must be concerning for Labour as some of the 25% will be supporters of other parties, all of which which implies not all Labour supporters know he is leader!

Donald Trump

The US Presidential election promises to be most interesting.
The Latte Blogger sees Trump taking not only red-neck votes not only from the right (Republicans still make the bulk of his support) but also many Democrat supporters who are also worried terrorist threats. His biggest mistake has been appears just to target Muslims (there was a proviso in what he said, that has been long lost in coverage, implying that they must be vetted before coming) well hello, any refugee, whether Muslim or not needs to be vetted and their identity confirmed prior to arriving in the US, or New Zealand for that matter.
Will he end up standing as an independent? Could he win as an independent? Watch this space.
A day or a week can be a long time in politics let alone a year!
(photo Michael Vadon)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Jacinda Ardern - Labour's only hope

The question is, does the Labour Party have the courage to make the changes to be a viable alternative to John Key and the National Party.

The answer is probably not.  But if for some reason the stars all line up and the light shines in they will choose Jacinda with Andrew Little as her deputy (not the other way around.)

Jacinda Ardern
Ordinary Kiwi's were not silly at the election and saw through Labour big time.  If David Cunliffe or Grant Robertson become leader, I predict that things will be worse in twelve months from now. Both are "damaged goods".   Andrew Little, while a "nice guy" isn't ready.  Jacinda could be strong enough to ensure change is made in the party to see it come back from the brink.

The New Zealand Herald has had an ongoing poll on who should be leader. Over 11,000 have votes with Ardern way in front. Who would be Labour leader

If Jacinda Ardern has the courage to put her name forward, the others should have the courage to step aside

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Food for thought

Who was it who almost single handily undid the good news from the 2010 budget with their comments about KiwiBank being on the block for sale?

The question is, were the comments intentional? Only time will tell. But John Key did well to close down the debate with his comments (and implication) that the KiwiBank wouldn’t be sold while he was Leader. The answer is very telling isn’t it!

The Greens - starting to see the light.

Co-leader Russel Norman’s wearing of a tie at the Greens recent conference sends the message that just maybe the Greens realize that they must be more main stream. They need to stick to their knitting to see their percentage of party vote continue to be increased. Smart move, but the perception (and concern) is that Meteria Turei maybe more for radical than her sweet face portrays must be a worry.
The Greens can’t afford to have their “moderate” vote cannibalized (maybe that should be "veggibalized"), especially by National’s Bluegreens. If the can continue to prove they are genuine and are not all from the looney left, they will do well.
So far their improvements appears to be at Labour's expense.

Wellington Central

Grant Robertson has done well as Labour’s MP for Wellington Central. Previous National names, (Hekia Parata and Paul Quinn) mentioned for possibly standing have (maybe) seen the light. I suspect polling will be confirming that it will be difficult for National to win. Standing for Wellington Central would be unlikely to improve their list rankings. Why would either want to but in the hard yakka required to actually win the seat, when they are likely to be guaranteed an easier ride standing in Mana and Hutt South.

Telecom’s Paul Reynolds

Telecom’s new XT ad is nothing short of brilliant. I smile every time I see it. I’ve even started to compare their home packages including TiVo and believe it or not they appear to be a better deal then TelstraClear’s. If Paul Reynolds continues to front up to the problems, he may prove to be worth his weight in gold.


I enjoy blogging. My thoughts do come “over a latte”. You may wonder why I am not blogging everyday or even every minute. The fact is I have a life. I have re real job where I am paid to work. Writing has to be in my free time.

Wellington’s best place for brekkie

Trade Kitchen by a country mile. Plus Trade Kitchen’s Mike must surely be one of the New Zealand’s best baristas.
Did you know that owner Olly  Edwards, is the son of Brian!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Food for thought...

Yum, who’s for dinner?

In light of the Prime Ministers recent comments about Tuhoe his dinner comments were pretty accurate and funny. I’m surprised they were taken literally!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

John and Tariana – walking a tightrope, together!

It is surprising it has taken so long for serious comment to start emerging regarding Maori issues.

I believe the National/Maori Party relationship is still strong, though tested. John had previously picked his words well reinforcing the relationship.
He appears to have slipped with his all was fine comments with Tariana relating to the Urewera National Park and Tuhoe. The comments managed to put her in an embarrassing corner.

John Key has been (and still is) a smart trader foreseeing the dangers ahead for New Zealand if he didn’t embrace the Maori Party. Together both sides are paving a way ahead that could potentially be a “win win” for all New Zealanders, without the extremes of either side ruining our country.

This has required give from both sides. Right or wrongly people were seeing the Urewera/Tuhoe settlement as ultimately being a step toward an independent state – it was a bridge too far!

The challenge is many don’t totally understand the bigger picture. John and Tariana’s challenge is keeping New Zealand together while devolving as much as possible (were appropriate) to Maori without crossing the line and losing both their support bases.

Yes, John and Tariana are walking a tightrope tied together – if one falls, they both fall, and so does the country.

The Apprentice - great television!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when there right man won. If there hadn’t been so much doubt cast about who would win, we wouldn’t have all been glued to our screens. Well done!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Smoko Talk

...did you know Labour in the UK have called none other than H1? They have been seeking advice on coalitions.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Food for thought...

The question remains, is H1's (along with H2) influence within Labour still a good thing? The trillion dollar question (yes, inflation adjusted) is, is it time the apron-strings were cut?

Smoko talk...

Did you hear that a number of Government Departments are busy “down-sizing” – yeah right!

Statsics should show many are re-hiring those who have been laid off as “consultants”. Those being rehired are smiling all the way to the bank...not only do many get their redundancies, they are being paid far more than before.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Phil needs a pill...

Labour has a headache at the moment – are they “damned if they do and damned if they don’t”?

Phil Goff was smart (intentional or not) by saying John Key was slick – of course John Key is and the country knows it. If Phil Goff had said anything else, his comments would have been seen as disingenuous.

For Labour to survive they must work to be firmly in the centre. (Incidentally, the same place where National appears to be.) The results of a survey among Labour supporters might not provide the pragmatic answers Labour needs to survive. The results will be heavily weighted with responses from the left’s feminists and unionists.

The true test of and Andrew Little’s presidency (and Phil Goff’s leadership) will be if they can steer an ever slowing vessel in a centre lane, keep moving and avoid the rocks of the left....they will only be damned if they don’t!

When Trevor Mallard says that Labour is not looking at the Leadership, it confirms that they are.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

an honest billboard...

I once saw one of the best billboards ever while driving through Cannons Creek in Porirua...

"Vote for me I need the money."

Posted by the McGillyGully Serious Party. Remember them!

Food for thought...

Chris Finlayson is reported to have said that the real test of a politician was not if he stood up to his enemies but if he stood up to his friends.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Are the numbers stacking up for the Tories?

The Lib Dem’s could be the spoilers for the Tories. Polling has shown they take more votes from the Conservatives than Labour. Like previous elections in New Zealand, the party (or in the UK case, parties) with the most votes, won’t necessarily win the most seats. Labour could still win the most seats. Remember this is a First Past the Post election.

Another question is, if the Liberal Democrats can hold together. They have come unstuck a little with the Party’s plans to grant an amnesty to illegal immigrants. Not exactly a smart policy. Overstayers don’t vote and those who do vote won’t necessarily agree with the argument put forward by the Lib Dem’s Treasury spokesman that legalizing their status will mean more taxes.

Hey don’t you think David Cameron and Nick Clegg look alike?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

“WIN-ie” Peters

The person I am watching to rise and rise is none other than the old political animal Winston Peters.
He’s looking refreshed and in his element, especially among his loyal support base, Grey Power.
In Winston’s unique humble way NZ First’s web site “claims” a number of victories...I suspect the royal “we” should be an “I”...

We got the SuperGold card organised for you.
We got rid of the super tax and got super payments raised to 66%.
We got 1000 extra police
We got free Doctor's visits for the under 6's
We saved the racing industry
We secured funding for eldercare
We lowered business tax
We got $17.3M for Maori Wardens
We got the minimum wage raised for young workers

The following comment is also on the site
“There is no doubt Winston Peters has some unfinished business. Watch this space!”

...well Amen to that!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Political Chameleons...

An ability to change to survive in life is important! Staying true to what you believe is at the heart of having integrity in politics, otherwise you are nothing other than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

So what happens when your views change, or you change?
One of the greatest people to adapt in New Zealand politics was Helen Clark.
I remember years ago at meetings she was shy and stayed talking with just one or two supporters.
She learned! By the time she finished her term as Prime Minister she had learnt to “work a room” and engage people.
Also, while she was naturally on the left, she managed to survive in the middle by not forming a coalition with the Greens.

We are also seeing some significant other changes at the movement...
The “greening” of John Banks.
A “no nukes” National Party (John Key).
A “moderate” Kevin Rudd

Only time will tell if any are wolves in sheep’s clothing or they are in fact doing what come naturally to a Chameleon – changing colour to survive.

That’s why Kiwis are still accepting of them because they understand they believe what they are saying.

Left, Right, Centre hey whatever!


Let's see if these posts can bring a freshness and difference to the debate about our great Country.

Just reading KiwiBlog's categorizing of where bloggers sit – left, right, centre etc etc.

Most Kiwi’s are a bit of everything. That’s why the two most natural coalition partners in New Zealand are in fact National and Labour.

Could that ever happen, maybe – I’ll talk about that later.
I’ll try to be fair from my completely unbiased perspective! (Yeah right!).

Trust you will enjoy.