The question is, does the Labour Party have the courage to make the changes to be a viable alternative to John Key and the National Party.
The answer is probably not. But if for some reason the stars all line up and the light shines in they will choose Jacinda with Andrew Little as her deputy (not the other way around.)
Jacinda Ardern |
Ordinary Kiwi's were not silly at the election and saw through Labour big time. If David Cunliffe or Grant Robertson become leader, I predict that things will be worse in twelve months from now. Both are "damaged goods". Andrew Little, while a "nice guy" isn't ready. Jacinda could be strong enough to ensure change is made in the party to see it come back from the brink.
The New Zealand Herald has had an ongoing poll on who should be leader. Over 11,000 have votes with Ardern way in front.
Who would be Labour leader
If Jacinda Ardern has the courage to put her name forward, the others should have the courage to step aside